Thursday, July 30, 2009

Trying to Get My Life In Order...

Wow- the trials and tribulations of my new life! Just being able to type out a blog post is quite an accomplishment these days. Baby Cheese is teething, has allergies, and I still suffer from hypothyroid symptoms, allergies, depression. Mr Cheese suffers from medical conditions. The three of us together like this, we are a mess indeed! I can think of a ka-trillion things that I want and need to do, but just can't get to doing them while caring for Baby Cheese. There are places I want to go, but I just don't feel at ease carting her around in her current state.

I'm in one of those moods where I want to de-clutter on a MASSIVE scale and just give stuff away. All of this *stuff* is clogging up my mind. I really despise JUNK mail too. I hate sorting through the mail and shredding stuff that I never wanted in the first place. Such a waste of time.

Please say a little prayer for the Cheese Family. Hope that our medicines start to work and that we will be happy soon.

1 comment:

Amy said...

HI, I am sorry it is so tough right now. Did you guys ever try a chiropractor? I am telling you it really works!!!! I am actually about to start a new one to get on some cleanses to help my thyroid issues. My munchkin will be a year in 3 weeks. Can you believe it!!! Put some pics up soon.