Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Frequent Posting on Health and Fitness!

Within the last 2-3 weeks, something drastic happened.  I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw!!!
I tried on all my "too small" jeans, chinos and shirts and EVERYTHING fit.  I walked around the house at 7am telling my husband "LOOK!! LOOK!!  OMG I can wear these jeans, I never have been able to wear them before!!"  My brother who came to visit, was there the day it hit me like a ton of bricks too and I was zooming around the house twirling around in those jeans.  It's the feeling that everyone who is trying to lose weight dreams of.  I very well believe that it may be the "best feeling in the world" or at least it's certainly among them.  This great feeling was intensified MANY times over, because I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis and it's a fact that it's very easy for people with this autoimmune disease to gain weight, but quite a challenge to lose.   I also have Celiac (I know, you think I'd be skinny right?) but surprising fact:  65% of all new Celiac cases are overweight not under.  That means the majority of Celiacs are not a "textbook" case.   I want to chronicle what I've done & what I am doing to help inspire others suffering with thyroid problems.  I believe that if you want something bad enough you CAN attain it.  Now I can go on slides with my kids, fit inside of little kid trains, sit on a tiny kid chair and participate in fun times with my children.  I have the confidence to install a car seat, drive somewhere downtown and talk to new people, and not care so much about what other people think of me.  Life is short, it should be lived joyfully and with meaning and love.

I have decided that it is important for me to help other people get to where I am now-I feel led and inspired by G-d.  The exercise, the way of eating, it's not a "diet" or something that I will discontinue just because I've reached my goal.  It's a lifestyle and an ever-evolving journey and I'm thrilled to be thriving with it.

It feels great when people tell me/told me how far I have come - that what I did sure worked.  It feels even better when they seek advice or ask what I did to meet my goals.    I have found myself emailing and talking with so many people & there simply is not enough time in the day.  I want to help EVERYONE and ANYONE.  I have decided to update this blog more frequently.  It has always been my intention to post daily, but with two small children it often gets put on the backburner.  You can read through my archives for some tips that I have posted in the past, or just to see how far I have come since the birth of my first child.

I love comments, so please leave them if you have something to say, or if there is something that you like or want to know more about.    The more encouragement I have, the better I will be about making the blog a priority.

In January 2011, I began my intense health and fitness challenge- it will continue for the rest of my life.  I invite you to begin your own journey, and to share in mine.  Everyone needs encouragement and support and it is my hope that you can find that in my words, photos and experiences.



Brenda said...

Hi! I found your blog through Facebook. How long have you been eating Primal? I have done it off and on since May of 2010 with little improvement or weight loss. I am trying to get back to it now as the last few months have been pretty miserable. I look forward to reading your blog.

Elle said...

Brenda, thanks for your comment. It provided the direction for today's post :) Do you think it's possible you don't thrive on protein? Or did you find it difficult to be creative with primal eating?

Elle said...

I have been probably 90% primal for several months now - maybe a year? I haven't really been keeping track.