Sunday, March 29, 2009

Six Months and Then Some

(ABOVE: Baby Cheese rollin' with her crew!)

(Photo above taken last month at the Audobon Zoo in New Orleans, the hat she is wearing was mine when I was a baby!)

Whoa! We have reached the six month mark! What a joy it is! Baby Cheese has found her high pitched squeal and babbles with delight as she bounces in her new jumperoo! The old colicky baby has been replaced with a much happier, more fun version of herself. The jumperoo may be our best toy purchase yet. About two weeks ago, I noticed that Baby Cheese would bounce in my lap while I held her. I didn't know if she was bouncing or trying to dance! I instantly thought the jumper would be something she would enjoy, ran out and bought one. I'm not sure if it is the cause of all of her happiness these days, I almost want to say it is, but I don't believe that *things* can make us all happy. I will say that I am VERY VERY glad we have one, though!

Around the house: Mr Cheese and I are now avid coffeemakers, thanks to this amazing coffeemaker we now have. Gotta have whole beans....just gotta!

Mr Cheese and I eagerly await UncleCheeser's wedding day! I get to wear a "Southern Belle" fancy dress and am SO STOKED!

I'm trying to get all healthy again, ie: I plan on getting back into raw food. I'm excited about that too!

1 comment:

Amy said...

How Cute!!! She is gorgeous. Isn't it exciting to have all of these babies growing up together. We have that with our family and friends too...