Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Feels Like An Eternity

A lot has happened since I last posted. I have a new sister in law, Baby Cheese has now reached the 7 month mark and Mr Cheese is super busy with work. I also have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, so that explains why I just didn't feel like posting for a while. I think I'm getting my energy back & I'm starting to feel a little like my old self again.

The Motherhood gig is nice, but it's not always smiley faces and roses. It's a really great thing I didn't like my job. I keep repeating that, it's like a mantra for me. Forever grateful that I am not a slave to the corporate world.

Uncle Cheeser's wedding was off the hook, buck wild. It was fun, but I didn't last long. We left the festivities at 9pm - we had to get a good nights rest before the day of travel on Sunday. I woke up Sunday morning and felt good. I was so glad I did not party too hard.

1 comment:

Amy said...


I am sorry to hear about they hypothyroidism. I know you will pull through. I completely believe God can heal anything! Good to hear Baby is doing GREAT! My Kaitlyn is almost crawling. WOWO!