Friday, October 31, 2008

Career Change! Happy Halloween!

I quit my gig in corporate America. I exchanged my old boss for a new one, a little 10 pound baby girl now gives me my orders. She's the best boss I have had to date, how rewarding it is to work for her!

It's kind of scary not having a paycheck to look forward to anymore, but I reckon that this is for the best and I can certainly handle it. After childbirth, I'm empowered and I know that I CAN do ANYTHING!

Being a SAHM sounds like such a great adventure! I'm already doing it, but today I made it official and informed my employer. Boy, do I feel like a giant weight has been lifted from my chest.

Cheers to a bright future and to having fun while being a Stay at Home Mommy!

1 comment:

MACL's Blog said...

Sometimes I still think...paycheck..or SAHM? And I seem to always lean to the latter. It's a ride, but worth it.