Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Miss Personality!

So, three months is great because now, I feel like I have always known my baby. It doesn't feel like ONLY three months, it feels like I've known her my entire life. I had always hoped for a very independent spirit, a little person who thinks for herself. I didn't think this would manifest itself so soon, but it has! I remember 1 or 2 hours after she was born the nurse was swaddling her and she did not want her hands swaddled- NO MA'AM! She does not like her sling or her moby wrap because she likes to flail her little hands and feet about. She does like the Snugli though - I have come to realize that she enjoys a more structured carrier. She also prefers a bottle to the breast. It makes life more difficult as she is exclusively breast fed, but I think the benefits outweigh the minor inconvenience for me.

Baby Cheese has red hair, and many people are hoping that she is a red head. I will be happy with whatever haircolor she ends up with. Sometimes I don't realize how red it is until we are in the sunlight. She at times shows us a red heads temper too.

I like thisthree month time! Baby Cheese is a real joker/prankster, laughing and cooing. She tries to take the bottle into her own hands and messes around for a laugh. When I read to her she looks very astute and eager to learn. I can't wait to read her Bible stories! I still have my kid Bible and I spent countless hours paging through it.

I would have to say that of all the things Dr Sears recommends, the one that I enjoy most is bedsharing. I can't think of having it any other way and I get tons of sleep and so does baby. I find wearing her and breastfeeding her to be a real challenge, just because of her independent spirit. But she is not independent enough to want to sleep alone yet, and that is totally fine with me.

Staying at home is still cool with me - I have to thank Rheagan and Alanna for that! It's really great to hang out with other Moms and their kiddos to talk, have coffee and take a break from being at home. I have really experienced massive kindness from so many women before and after having Baby Cheese. I could never have imagined how supportive and helpful other women can be! Such a blessing!

Speaking of blessings, Thank Goodness my father is doing well. He seems to be sick and went to the ER last night. He is now at home, resting and doing better. I love you Daddy!!!!

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