Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bring On 2009!

My new gig is keeping me really busy. I have less time for Dear Internet, less time for updates, but that was what I expected.

Christmas was wonderful! My parents flew down from St Louie to hang with us. IT was great having two extra set of hands to help with the baby, and it's a pleasure to see Maw and Pa's face light up when they speak to Baby Cheese.

Baby Cheese is now 3.5 months old. What a fun age! She is much happier now, certainly recognizes Mom and Dad and can hold her head up on her own. She recently graduated to the Bumbo Baby Seat. I set her in there and read to her, so far, I think her favorite book is "Gossie"

PugCheesy has been fabulous to Baby Cheese ever since her arrival. He is a bit protective and he seems to totally understand that Andrew and I need to attend to her first. He does miss being babied like he was, but he doesn't act out any more than he ever did before. He is a fabulous boy, when BabyCheese gets bigger they are really going to hit it off.

I'm always excited for the new year to begin. I pray this one is a good one.

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