Friday, May 13, 2011

A Conversation With My Dentist

Me:  Have you heard of Weston A. Price?

Dentist:  No.  Who is he?

Me:  Only like the COOLEST Dentist EVER!

Dentist:  Really?

Me:  Oh yeah!  Back in the early 1900s he traveled the world studying the diets of indigenous people and determined that the Western diet was often the cause of poor dental health as well as overall physical degeneration.

Dentist:  Hmm interesting

Me:  Yes, he even published a book and conducted studies.  He also disapproved of the modern day root canals.  After reading about root canals I have decided that I would most likely opt for an extraction, and I can be vain, so that's saying a lot.

Dentist:  Really?  You would actually opt for an extraction?

Me:  Yes.  After what I have read, I am convinced that modern day root canals cause some severe issues to human health and degeneration.

Dentist:  Hmm, what is this guys name again?

Me:  Weston A. Price -   I am going to buy his book and you are welcome to borrow it if you like.  I think you'd really enjoy reading it, as he has quite a following.

Dentist:   A following?  Really?

Me:     Yes.  Believe it or not, there are many cookbooks that exist today that are very popular- based on & inspired by his research.     A dentist with a fan club, if you can believe it.  A LARGE fan club too.

Dentist:  I am definitely going to check this out. 

Me:  Cool!  Please do!  There is a BIG OPEN MARKET for holistic dentistry here. 

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