Thursday, July 28, 2011

Primal Suggestions

I think the best (and simplest) advice that I can give for people seeking improvements in their health is to "Go Primal" with their eating.  Going Primal cuts out all forms of grain and gluten and it's easy to be dairy free and primal.  I did not know much about it until my dear friend, Piper loaned me my #1 favorite cook book.  The Primal Blueprint Cookbook - by Mark Sisson & Jennifer Meier.   The recipes are easy and delicious.  The author also has a great blog which also features recipes, inspiration and information on things like how to prepare oneself for "barefoot running" - (something that I eventually will do!)

Last night, I made what may be the quickest, Primal Meal ever - a can of tuna, spring mix, wild onions with shredded carrot, juice of 1 lemon, flax oil, salt, apple cider vinegar and olive oil.   If you're in a time crunch and need something easy that will only dirty one bowl this is the way to go.  If you require more calories, add 2 cans of tuna instead of one.  Another simple meal I do frequently is scrambled eggs with my favorite local salsa- Mateos!  How easy is that?

Another favorite recipe is from This Primal Life - it's for a coconut flour blueberry muffins.  No sugar, no flour - low calorie just lovely!!

Eating this way is not about depriving yourself or going without.  It's about thinking differently and evolving backwards to eat the way our ancestors did.  

1 comment:

kelley said...

Very interested in this type of Change in my diet. Could you give me an example of an average day for you, meal wise? I am GF and soy free right now and thinking this is the next step for total health. Thank you for the info!